Friday, April 27, 2012

Facebook in 5 Minutes - Go Viral

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by creating posts that have the potential to 'go viral.' Social Media, especially Facebook, is like a party - you hear great gossip, interesting facts and funny stories.  Think about the items that go "viral" on the internet and they fall into these categories. When creating content for your FanPage use these same ideas. Rotate the posts so that they are changing. Your goal is always to "Connect."

Why Do People 'Share'?
People share stories on Facebook for the same reasons they gossip and talk in real life. It may sound daunting to consider what makes people promote a story or post but here are some reasons people click that infamous 'share' button...

It helps us connect - we are always looking to strengthen relationships with people.
It's useful - we all love to share a good deal or insight.
It starts a conversation - people like knowing how others feel or think about a complicated or controversial topic (it helps them decide how they feel).
It strikes an emotional chord - if you feel something deeply, its hard not to talk about it.
It helps define us - this is like broadcasting all the layers of our identity to find others like us.
It's funny - who doesn't want to share a good laugh?
It makes us look smart - who doesn't want to look smart? Provide a benefit and people will pass it on.
It makes us feel part of something bigger - this is especially important for philanthropic groups and causes.
It's Juicy - If the information is surprising, interesting and cool - it's too good not to share. Pay attention within your niche to unique stuff that is being shared and use it to great your own viral opportunity.  

Time for Action
Check out your favorite forum for news, topics, videos, pictures and more and start a conversation on something going on right now. You may also want to subscribe to a blog or two to see what others are talking about. Share a post and then keep your ear to the ground for content that can help your posts go viral. This takes just a few minutes but it can improve your fan interaction tremendously.

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources

Friday, April 20, 2012

Facebook in 5 Minutes - Timely Posting

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by creating posts that relate to what's happening in the world. Remember social media started as a way to share and be social. What do people like to talk about? The time honored and easy conversation starter if you have nothing else in common...the weather. Why is this? It's happening right now and everyone is affected by it. Now you don't have to always post about the weather - unless you really like to and I'm sure there are some meteorologist who would love these kinds of posts. So what else is going on in your world - in your fans' world?

What is Happening Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow?
You want people to visit your page and check back often because what you are posting is applicable to their lives NOW. Yes, we've talked about posting specials, coupons and blogs but there are also moments when you want to share and discuss items with more personality.

Here are some ideas:
• Hot news item - great especially if its local (if your fans are local too)
• Thought provoking picture - perfect way to get people talking (be sure to ask their thoughts)
• Trending viral video - people love to watch stuff
• An event or location - going somewhere this weekend? Ask people if they've gone or have any suggestions.
• Holidays and Observances

Don't Be Late!
There is a fine line when posting timely information. Basically, the line is this...if it's not happening "yesterday, today or tomorrow" consider WHY you are posting it. If you have an update or a new take on something old - that's great. You want people to believe your page and its content is updated and current. You don't want to arrive to the conversation late or run a topic into the ground.  

Time for Action
Check out your favorite forum for news, topics, videos, pictures and more and start a conversation on something going on right now. If you don't have time - upload a pic representative of Earth Day (coming up on Sunday) and create a post about appreciating the environment. This takes just a few minutes but it can improve your fan interaction.

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Facebook in 5 Minutes - Custom URL Username

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by creating a Facebook custom URL- sometimes also known as a username. Having a specific username allows you to easily direct people to your page.

What is a Username?
Once you have 25 fans/likes - Facebook will allow you to specify a username.

Example: (This is the username for our page.)

Before we had 25 fans it was:

Can you see the difference? The first one is much easier to print on media and websites. Plus it's easier for people to remember and type in.

How to Set A Username?
This is really easy but remember - Facebook will not allow you to set your name until you have 25 fans. PLUS!!! You can NOT change it once you set it - so be sure you have spelled it correctly.
• Go to your admin panel of your Facebook business page
• Click on 'Manage'
• Click 'Edit Page'
• From the left side menu - click 'Basic Information'
• The 4th item from the top is username. If you have at least 25 fans, click 'Create Username'
• Type in the Name you want and check the availability. If you have a common name, it might be taken. Try a variation.

• Remember to keep it short and easy to read/remember
• Capital letters are okay (It will not make a difference whether people actually type it with capitals) 
• Letters, Numbers or Periods (".") are allowed
• Username must contain at least one letter
• Usernames are NOT transferrable & cannot be changed
• Check out Facebook guidelines here

Time for Action
Go to your Facebook business page and if you have at least 25 fans - create a username. Then post it on your page so everyone knows how easy it is to find your page. This will be important for your branding materials and storefront displays.

If you don't have 25 fans - ask for help! Create a post that asks your fans to encourage their friends to 'Like' your page. You could also send an email out to your database telling them. This takes just a few minutes but it can improve your presence tremendously.

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Facebook in 5 Mintures - Get Recommended

Today's Tip is centered on promoting your Facebook Business Page by encouraging past customers to write a recommendation on your Facebook Business page.

What is a Recommendation?
When new people become fans of your page, Facebook will automatically ask if they want to write a recommendation however, this is a great venue to have past clients share their story. Recommendations are posted near the top of your timeline posts under 'Friends Who Like' & 'Recent Posts by Others'. These are short snippets that can offer valuable feedback to fans and potential fans.

How to Get Recommendations?
This is not rocket science. Most of the time it comes down to a cold, hard, fact - YOU HAVE TO ASK. Now, maybe you haven't asked because you are worried about what people will say. If you think there are areas that could be improved - improve them! If someone gives you negative feedback - listen! Follow up with them and implement changes. But more than likely people will have nice things to say and giving them a nudge is perfectly okay.

Time for Action
Go to your Facebook business page and create a post that asks for people to write a recommendation. You don't have to be pushy - just ask them to be honest. You might be surprised the things that people point out which will also give you insight into what is important to your fans. When someone does write a recommendation, be sure to say thank you! It only takes 5 minutes a day to improve your Facebook Business Presence.

Facebook in 5 Minutes in April from Qlixite
Everyday we will be posting fast and easy (& Free) ways to get more out of your Facebook Business page. Become a Fan so you don't miss out!

We are not affiliated with Facebook in anyway. All of these tips are based on our own knowledge and research of public resources